Frequently Asked Questions
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How do I install a single user license?
When installing GaeaSynergy you must be logged in to Windows in as an administrator. The following steps occur during the installation:
- The GaeaSynergy application is installed on your computer,
- Files for the databases and datastore are copied to your computer,
- Shortcuts are placed on your Start menu and desktop.
When the program is started for the first time a setup wizard will guide you through the steps below:
- Selection of a single user or network installation.
- Selection of the industry that you will be using to register the software. The price, features, and settings will change depending on the industry.
- Specification of the default basemap type.
- Importing of any demo projects to help learn the application faster.
After the above steps are completed, the application will start initially in demo mode. You can use the application in demo mode up to 20 times before you need to register it. To login to the application use the default login below:
Username: Admin
Password: admin
How do I register a single user license?
To license the program, registration codes must be entered for the base application and any extension modules to be licensed. The registration codes are based on the serial numbers for the base application and extension modules. These serial numbers are unique for each computer and module.The serial numbers can be obtained by running the program and selecting the Manage Licenses menu item from the Tools menu. The License Manager form will be displayed displaying a table that shows the current licensing of the base application and extension modules. To get detailed information about the base application or extension modules, click on them in the table. The detailed information will be displayed to the right. Using this form there are two ways to obtain and enter the registration codes; either individually enter them manually or import one or more of them from a file.
Manual Entry of Registration Codes
To manually obtain the serial number and enter the registration code for the base application or extension module, select it in the table and then click on the Register button on the toolbar at the top of the Manage Licenses form. The Register form will then be displayed showing the unique serial number of the base application or extension module. To obtain the registration code enter the invoice number you received when purchasing the software and contact GAEA with the unique serial number. GAEA can be contacted either by clicking on the Obtain Registration button or be emailing us at codes@gaeatech.com. When the Obtain Registration button is used an email form will be displayed where you can enter your contact information and email it directly to GAEA.
After you receive the registration code from GAEA you can enter it on the Register form and then save it by clicking on the Store Registration Code button.
File Entry of Registration Codes
The serial numbers of one or more of the base application or extension modules can be exported to a file and emailed to GAEA. After the file has been processed a registration file will be emailed back from GAEA. This registration file can then be imported and the registration codes saved.
To export the serial number file, select one or more of the base application or extension modules on the License Manager form and then click on the Export button on the toolbar of the form. The Export Serial Number form will be displayed where you can enter the invoice number and your contact details. After you enter the information you can either email the file directly to GAEA by clicking on the Email button or save it to your disk and email it yourself by clicking on the Save button.
After the file has been received and processed by GAEA you will receive a registration file back by email. When you receive this file save it to your hard drive. To import the file click on the Import button on the License Manager form and the Import Registration Codes form will be displayed. Select the file you saved using the Open button on the form and the registration codes will be imported and saved by the program.
How do I install a network license?
For detailed information on how to install and use a network license, click here.
How do I register a network license?
To use GaeaSynergy on client computers, the modules must be licensed first on the network. The program and optional modules will run in demo mode on the client computers until the network is licensed. It is not necessary to license all of the modules, any modules that are not licensed will run in demo mode.To manage the licenses for the application click on the Manage Licenses button on the Network Monitor form, the License Manager form below will be displayed. On the left side of the form is a list showing the licensing of the modules. If the base or module is licensed the Licensed box will be checked and the maximum number of users will be displayed.
When a module is selected the details for the license will be displayed in the box on the right side of the form. At the top of the form there are buttons to select the industry, unlock (license) the base or module, and update the license. Prior to unlocking the base or module the industry type must be selected. If the base or module has not been licensed the Industry and Unlock buttons will be enabled. After the base or module have been licensed only the Update button will be enabled.
Why are my registration codes not being stored?
It may be a permissions issue. The program stores the registration codes in the folder c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4. The permissions for this folder must be set to "Full Control" for everyone.
Why do I get an error saving data or is the data not being saved?
It may be a permissions issue. The program stores the databases and datastore in the folder c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4. The permissions for this folder must be set to "Full Control" for everyone. This folder may be different depending on the choices made during the installation. The folder is shown in preferences for the program.
Am I qualified to receive the upgrade to version 4?
If your annual maintenance is current (paid within the last year) then the upgrade to GaeaSynergy is free. Otherwise, please contact us at sales@gaeatech.com to renew your annual maintenance.
How do I upgrade to version 4?
Version 4 of GaeaSynergy uses a slightly different database structure than versions 2 and 3. Because of this when upgrading to version 4 you can not simply just point the version 4 database folder to version 3's database folder. This will cause the program to stop working.
Single User License
Below are the steps to upgrade a single user license to version 4:
- Install version 4 on the same computer as version 2 or 3 using the default local database (c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4\Databases) and datastore (c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4\Datastore) directories.
- Start GaeaSynergy 4 and select the Upgrade from Version 2 or 3 option in the Tools menu. This will then use the version 2 or 3 settings on the computer to locate your old databases and upgrade them to version 4. The upgrade process will convert the old databases (both the main and project databases) into the version 4 database format and copy them to the version 4 database folder.
Network License
The easiest way to upgrade a network license is to do it on one client computer, test it, and then deploy it to the other computers. Below are the steps to do this:
- Make a copy of the version 3 main database folder from the network location to the default location (c:\ProgramData\GAEA\StrataExplorer3\Databases) on the local drive of the computer to be used for the upgrade. This computer must have version 2 installed. This copy should include the Projects subdirectory in the main database folder.
- Start StrataExplorer version 3 on the computer and in Preferences set the main database folder to the default local location (c:\ProgramData\GAEA\StrataExplorer3\Databases) .
- Install version 4 on the same computer as version 3 using the default local database (c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4\Databases) and datastore (c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4\Datastore) directories.
- Start GaeaSynergy and select the Upgrade from Version 3 option in the Tools menu. This will then use the version 3 settings on the computer to locate your old databases and upgrade them to version 4. The upgrade process will convert the old databases (both the main and project databases) into the version 4 database format and copy them to the version 4 database folder.
- Exit GaeaSynergy, then copy the version 4 database (c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4\Databases) and datastore (c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4\Datastore) folders from the local drive to the new network location. This should be a different directory then the version 3 main database folder and make sure the permissions on this folder are set so that All Users have Full Control.
- Start GaeaSynergy, in Preferences change the main database and datastore folders from the local C drive to the new network location. This is also a good time to check and set the other preference settings, especially the Network Settings.
- Restart GaeaSynergy and test that the projects can be opened.
- Install GaeaSynergy on the other client computers and in Preferences set the main database and datastore folders to the version 4 network locations. A quick way to change the settings on the other client computers is to copy them from the computer that was used to do the upgrade after it has been tested and all the Preference settings have been set. The preference settings are stored in the file GaeaSynergySettings.ini in the directory c:/ProgramData/GAEA/GaeaSynergy4.
How do I transfer the program from one computer to another?
To transfer the license you will need to relock it on the original computer and then unlock it on the new computer. Follow the steps below.
Relock the license on your old computer by going to License Manager in Tools. Highlight the license and then click on the Relock button. Fill in the form and click on the Relock button.
Unlock the license on the new computer the same way as it was done originally, by going to the License Manager in Tools, highlighting the module and click on the Register button. On the Registration form click on Obtain Unlock Code, fill in the form and receive a new unlock code from us.
If you need to move your data from the old computer to the new one, the easiest way is to copy the database and datastore directories from the old computer to the new one. These are normally in the folder "c:\ProgramData\GAEA\StrataExplorer3" for StrataExplorer and "c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4" for GaeaSynergy.
What is the default login after the program is installed?
After installing the program the default local login in is:
Username: Admin
Password: admin
How do I move my database to the server?
Below are the steps to move the databases to your network drive. Make sure you do these steps in the proper order.
- Copy the folders "c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4\Databases" and "c:\ProgramData\GAEA\GaeaSynergy4\Datastore", to your network drive (for example "Z:\GAEA\Databases" and "Z:\GAEA\Datastore").
- Make sure that the permissions for the network drive are set so that Everyone has Full Control.
- Run GaeaSynergy on the client computers and go to Preferences. On the Datasources tab set the Path to the network drive database location (for example "Z:\GAEA\Databases" and the Datastore folder to the network drive datastore location (for example "Z:\GAEA\Datastore".
- Exit GaeaSynergy and restart the program.
How do I transfer my network license?
To transfer the network license, follow the steps below.- Install the network license software on the new server using the link below. www.gaeatech.com\public\GaeaSynergy4_License_Manager_Setup.exe
- License the software on the new server as described in How do I register a network license.
- Add the current users on the new server in Network Monitor.
- Point the client computers Network Settings to the new server in preferences.
- Shutdown and uninstall the network service from the old server.
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