Basic Tab

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Basic Tab

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The Basic tab is used to specify directories, defaults and program options.




The following can be specified on this tab:




Database: This is the location of the main database for the program.


Password: This is the password for the main database. Normally it is blank.


Datastore: This is the location of the datastore folder.




Lab: This is used to select the default lab when specifying a lab analysis to be conducted.


COC: This is used to select the default Chain Of Custody to be used when creating a COC.


Label: This is used to select the default label size when creating sample labels.


Form: This is used  to select the default form when creating sample labels. The default forms that can be selected will change depending on the default label selected.


Local Units: This is used to select the default local units when creating a project.


Location Precision: This is used to specify the precision to use when specifying x and y coordinates.




Open last project: Check this box to open the last project when the program is started.


Display new object prompts: Check this box to display information prompts when creating new samples and stations.