Stability Correlation Ratios

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Stability Correlation Ratios

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When calculating Marshall Stability for asphalt mixtures, correlation ratios are used to correct for variations in thickness. The asphalt stability correlation ratios can be specifying by selecting Tools > GDMS > Asphalt > Asphalt Stability Correlation Ratios. The Asphalt Stability Correlation Ratios form will be displayed. These correlation ratios have been taken from "ASTM D6927-15 Standard Test Method for Marshall Stability and Flow of Asphalt Mixtures".




Stability correlation ratios are specified for different thickness of asphalt. These thicknesses can be specified in either inches or millimeters. Stability correlation ratios can be added and removed using the buttons at the top of the form. To edit a stability correlation ratio, select it in the list and then click on it again to edit it.