Data Entry

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Data Entry

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Open the Examples project and open Case 18.



General Tab




The general data for this example is specified on the General tab. The Darcy velocity will be displayed but will be ignored when the Passive Sink option is selected.



Layers Tab




The layer data for this example consists of four layers: a primary liner, a unsaturated collection system, a saturated collection system, and a secondary liner. The data for these layers is specified on the Layers tab.



Boundaries Tab




The boundary conditions for this example are a constant concentration top boundary and a fixed outflow bottom boundary. These boundaries can be specified on the Boundaries tab.



Special Features


The biological decay and passive sink data for this model can be entered using the Special Features tab.



Passive Sink




The passive sink data is used to specify the Phase parameter and the horizontal and vertical Darcy velocities. In this example there are four depth intervals for the passive sink.



Radioactive/Biological Decay




The data for the biological decay of the DCM can be specified by selecting the Radioactive/Biological Decay option on the Special Features tab. In this example there are three decay intervals: one for the primary liner, one for the unsaturated and saturated collection system, and one for the secondary liner.