Project Coordinates

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Project Coordinates

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Type: There are two types of projects, georeferenced or local. Georeferenced projects have GIS based coordinates, normally in decimal degrees.Whereas, local projects have coordinates in feet or meters.


Local Project

The boundary for a local project is specified using x and y coordinates in either feet or meters. Points for the boundary can be added and deleted using the Add and Delete buttons. At least 3 points must be specified for the boundary.


Georeferenced Project

The boundary for a georeferenced project is specified using latitudes and longitudes in decimal degrees. Points for the boundary can be added and deleted using the Add and Delete buttons. At least 3 points must be specified.

In addition, the boundary can be specified on a map of the area using the Show Map switch. The map can be zoomed and panned using the buttons at the top of the map. The type of map is specified in Settings. The map will be centered on your current location with a red marker.

The current location can be selected as a boundary point using the Select Current button. Boundary points can be selected on the map using the Select on Map button and then tapping the point locations on the map.