Classification Options

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Classification Options

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The following can be specified for the Classification graph options:




Show Labels: Check this box to show the classification labels on the graph.


Font: Click on this button to adjust the font for the labels.


Labels: The text for each label can be edited on the right of the label.




CL or ML: Click this button to adjust the shade color for the CL or ML region on the graph.


CL: Click this button to adjust the shade color for the CL region on the graph.


CH: Click this button to adjust the shade color for the CH region on the graph.


ML or OL: Click this button to adjust the shade color for the ML or OL region on the graph.


MH or OH: Click this button to adjust the shade color for the MH or OH region on the graph.




U-Line: Click this button to adjust the width, color, and style of the U-Line.


A-Line: Click this button to adjust the width, color, and style of the A-Line.


Other: Click this button to adjust the width, color, and style of the other lines.