Data Types
The types of data that can be displayed in the boring and well logs consists of a variety of common data and data that is specific to the industry. The table below shows a comparison of the types of data that can be used in WinLoG version 5 for each industry as well as the previous version 4 of WinLoG. Data types that are bolded will show a picture of what they look like when the mouse is moved over them.
Data Type WinLoG WinLoG Version 5 Version 4 and WinLoG RT Depth x x Elevation x x Lithologic Description x x Lithologic Symbol x x Text x x Interval Text x x Column of Tables x Graph x x Multiple Graphs x x Bargraph x x Geophysical x x Calculated Column x Symbol Log x x Well x x Sample/Core Number x x Sample/Core Type x x Sample/Core Symbol x x Sample/Core Lithologic Symbol x x Sample/Core Other x x Sample/Core Recovery x x Sample N-Value x x Deviation Survey x x Graph Cross-plot x x Bargraph Cross-plot x x Geophysical Cross-plot x x Core Log x x Core Photo x x Sample Lithology x Sample Consistency x Sample Color x Sample Porosity x Sample Odour x Sample Dry Weight x Sample Wet Weight x Drilling Data Symbols x USCS Classification x AASHTO Classification x Penetrometer/Torvane x % Passing 200 Sieve x % Aggregate/Gravel x % Coarse Sand x % Medium Sand x % Fine Sand x % Silt x % Clay x % Fines x Total Dissolved Solids x Moisture Content x Liquid Limit x Plastic Limit x Plasticity Index x Organic Vapour (OVA/PID) x VOC x LEL x Concentration x Dry Density x Unit Dry Weight x Shear Strength x UU Shear Strength x Failure Strain x Confining Pressure x CMT x RQD x Compressive Strength x Core Time x Core Size x Hydraulic Conductivity x Run x Drive x SCR x TCR x Flush Return x Fracture Spacing x Fracture Index x Munsell Code x Degree of Weathering x Rock Hardness x Point Load Strength x Discontinuity Dip Angle x Discontinuity Type x Discontinuity Spacing x % Total Sulphur x Fizz Rating x Neutralization Potential x Assay Results x Penetration Rate x Lost Circulation x Ore Type x Slough x Lost Core x Cored Intervals x Geophysical Log Bitmaps x Estimated Bitumen x Lab Bitumen x Oil Shows x Oil Staining x Oil and Gas Shows x Porosity Grade x Porosity Type x Drill Stem Tests x Grain Size x Structures x Framework x Constituents x Facies x Fossils x Members x Sorting x Cementation x Contacts x Rounding x Sorting x Formation Tops x Diagenesis x Percent Cuttings x Multiple Geophysical Logs x Direct Fluorescence x Cut Fluorescence x Spontaneous Potential x RFT Pressure Points x Dipmeter x Resistivity Shallow x Resistivity Medium x Resistivity Deep x Induction Resistivity x Gamma x Caliper x Sonic x Density x Conductivity x Neutron Porosity x Alteration x Perforations x H2O Injection x Airlift Q x Fractures x
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